
My ramblings about all things technical

VCP6-NV (2V0-642) Exam Experience


Last week Friday after a few weeks of studying I sat the VCP6-NV (2V0-642) exam. I decided to do the track as I wanted to update my knowledge around NSX and it was also something I realised i wasn’t as strong in as I probably should be after my unsuccessful VCDX-CMA defence last year October.

The exam is based on NSX 6.2, comprises of 77 multiple choice questions and is 120 minutes long. The resources I personally used for the exam were:

  • The Pluralsight course by Jason Nash were brilliant in covering NSX basics and more advanced topics:
  • The VCP6-NV Official Cert Guide was an amazing resource and goes into great detail about so many topics. I read this on my trains back and forth each week between Zürich and Bern and I would highly recommend the book even though it covers the 641 exam.
  • Lab time. I spent a fair amount of time playing around and learning in an EMC vLab as well as numerous VMware Hands on Labs getting my understanding of the differing components and interdependencies. I know the exam isn’t hands on like the VCIX but to get my head around some of the concepts, building.modifying and deleting portions helped me understand some of the main features of NSX and has hopefully laid a good groundwork for a possible future VCIX-NV attempt.

The exam was fair in the questions it asked, finished all the questions and reviews with about 45 minutes to spare and I passed with a respectable score. The exam is certainly achievable if you do the above resources and understand them. For me the mix os the book by Elver, the videos by Jason and my hands on practice worked really nicely as I feel each one filled a gap the other left and also my attention span for reading books deep in technical details isn’t my strongest attribute.

What has passing the exam done for my career?

Knowing NSX as I mentioned in the beginning was important for me to understand the whole SDDC ecosystem, strengthen it for my VCDX-CMA and be able to advise my customers on the correct solutions as well as have the ability to review NSX designs by NSX SME’s. It has already proved beneficial in discussions with customers and has also saved me in a troubleshooting issue where I would have probably spent much much longer trying to fix an issue.

For those looking to take the exam, good luck.


29 thoughts on “VCP6-NV (2V0-642) Exam Experience

  1. Pingback: Newsletter: February 25, 2017 | Notes from MWhite

  2. is there any exam dumps available for 2V0-642 exam?

  3. Hey Gregg,

    thanks for all this info.
    I’m about to start studying for the -642 exam. Is the information you linked still applicable to the 642 exam?


  4. Awesome. Can you share some of questions here to get us idea which type of questions are asked in that exam?

  5. vbrownbag podcasts are just great !! practice is also a key thing !!!

    i have scheduled 2v0-621 exam for some time now. should i take this exam or cancel it and try for 2v0-642 ? both exams are eligible for vcp-nv ? if the exam 2v0-621 is not available after 1st of May it means also that the certification is obsolete and should be upgraded ? i am a little bit confused . Thanks.

    • Agree vBrownbags are brilliant.

      It won’t be obsolete and the expiry will still cover the normal time periods. If you have put the time into 641 then take that. If only just getting into it IMHO i’d go for 642 as then you are learning the newer bits.

      Good luck with the exam

  6. I agree that no dumps will help pass this exam. I prepared with the notes I had for 641 and some updated document reading and a hard fought exam with score of 274 😦 . I appreciate VMware this time as they are testing the true strength of candidate.

    Did HOL and attempted the practice test from vmware from which I got 3 questions.

    I heard the retake is free is that true. I am planning for a retake after 2 weeks.

    Thank you

  7. Pingback: VCP6-NV – Unlocked | Clouds and Cartridges

  8. Hi Gregg,
    any links for VCP lab?

  9. I just pass the NSX 6.2 exam with your help, Thank you. I followed the guidance you gave and it was on point.

  10. Hi Gregg,
    I have a question regarding VCP-NV exam. What kind of questions are there in exam? Configuration related, architecture related, where can I find which option to change something? Can you please provide a hint?

  11. Is there any pdf 2v0-642 exam?

  12. Hi Gregg, would the official study book still be OK for the 642 version of this exam ?

  13. Come on guys! Stop asking for dumps. Make an effort please.

  14. Pingback: Preparing for the VCP6-NV Certification – Al Rasheed

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